Urgent Community Response
The Urgent Community Response Service provides an urgent response in the community to Surrey Downs residents, 18 years of age and over, seven days a week from 8am to 8pm. It is based within three areas across Surrey Downs: Epsom, East Elmbridge and Dorking.
This service is delivered by a local, multidisciplinary team and aims to give patients the most appropriate support in their home, or usual place of residence, to prevent unnecessary hospital admission.
Within two hours of being referred, the UCR team carries out a thorough assessment of the patient’s health and social care needs and puts into place a personalised care plan and support measures to support, where possible, the patient to remain at home.
The team providing the UCR service is a multi-skilled team including doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, paramedics and rehabilitation support workers. This means the team can meet a range of needs quickly and offer the best level of support for each individual.
Accessing the service
Referrals to the service will be accepted from GPs, the ambulance service, NHS 111 and other health and social care professionals. Patients already known to community services can self-refer.