Therapy Team

Therapy teams consist of physiotherapists, occupational therapists and rehabilitation assistants. Their role involves assessing and devising a management plan for patients. They are specialists in exercise and, using their expertise, will carry out assessments that allow people to gain back their confidence, improve their functionality and maximise their independence. The team play a significant role in health promotion and health improvement, and support people to remain in their home independently where possible.  They work with the other professionals, known as a multi-disciplinary team (MDT), to provide coordinated care to patients

MDTs come together in a structured weekly meeting to review patients’ care and ensure a joined-up approach. There is also a monthly frailty meeting to review individuals identified as living with frailty.  All individuals identified will have a clear management plan put into place by the team which specifically meets their medical and care needs, and can be signposted for further medical support when required.