Tissue Viability Service
The Tissue Viability Service is a friendly, approachable highly experienced team of nurses working in Tissue Viability with years of experience working in the NHS:
- We ensure that the care provided is delivered to a high standard, research and evidence based.
- We aim to work towards an improved wound care journey for our Surrey Downs patients. We endeavour to reduce pressure ulcers, heal complex wounds in a timely manner and reduce leg ulcers, prevalence, and lymphedema cases.
- We follow guidance and protocols lain down by national and local policies in general nursing and tissue viability, wound care.
- We treat all patients and clinicians with respect, dignity, and awareness of the diverse communities we serve.
We visit patients in GP premises, home settings and nursing/residential homes in Surrey Downs locations.
We also run an Outpatients clinic at Leatherhead Community Hospital.
The team is available Monday-Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Please note we are not an emergency service.
If you have urgent concerns please speak with the allocated GP, call NHS 111, or refer to another service.
We work closely with Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust (ESTH), Sutton Health and Care (SHC) and are part of the wider Tissue Viability Service (ESTH). We also work very closely with the community nursing teams associated with the local general practices. We work across all sites and provide support and training to patients, carers and employers alike.
Before referring to our service please check the criteria below.
Please consider using our service, we look forward to meeting you and your clients.
Urgent referrals for patients with very complex conditions and wounds
- Unexplained rapid deterioration
- Category 3 and 4 pressure ulcers for classification DATIX if no photograph a visit may require three to four working days Multiple Category 2s only
- Diabetic foot and Ischaemic foot ulcers must be referred to Podiatry
- All the above will be triaged by the Tissue Viability Team to ascertain level of urgency.
Please note: We are not an Emergency Service and operate Monday – Friday (excluding bank holidays)
Non-urgent referrals for patients with less complex wounds and conditions
- Wounds that have failed to heal following eight weeks optimal care
- Longstanding leg ulcers (Arterial/Venous)
- Atypical wounds for diagnosis and triage
- Patients with Lymphedema or requiring diagnosis and triaging to the appropriate services
- Patients with wet leaky legs despite giving optimal care
- Topical Negative Therapy (TNP). We require 48 hours’ notice to request dressings/therapy unit
- For a TBPI if abnormal ABPI above 1.3 or very swollen limbs making routine ABPI difficult.
Exclusion criteria
- Wounds that are healing as expected.
- Wounds that are being seen by Podiatry/Dermatology and Vascular unless specific to Tissue Viability Service.
- Cellulitis without active ulceration.
- Skin conditions no open wounds (Dermatology).
- Those previously seen by the Tissue Viability Service who have no new identified related complications.
- Non-concordant patients who have the capacity and have been advised by the Tissue Viability Service on previous occasions and have declined treatment options offered, unless they have now decided to comply with treatment.
- Cat 1-2 pressure ulcers/moisture lesions MASD unless concerns regarding deterioration despite treatment.
- For doppler’s/ABPI only.
- Hosiery garment advice measurement.