Community hospitals
Surrey Downs Health and Care currently provides beds in three community hospitals in Surrey:
We provide 24 hour nursing care for people needing rehabilitation. The aim is to help patients return to living independently, or with care or other support.
Care can include rehabilitation, such as physiotherapy and occupational therapy, as well as nursing care, such as pain control, wound care and continence assessment. Each hospital has close links with other services, such as social care and District Nursing teams, to ensure that care continues after discharge.
We also provide care for people at the end of their lives, allowing patients to be cared for in their local community hospital, if that is where they choose to be.
All of our hospital wards provide single sex accommodation, including separate bathroom and toilet facilities for our male and female patients. At Mary Seacole Unit we also provide specialist beds for patients with neurological conditions, including stroke.
Visiting and keeping in touch
We know how important a visit from a loved one is for our patients, their families, friends and carers. We are facilitating safe visiting in line with national guidance. Help us to protect our staff and patients from infections, and keep our meal times protected by reading and adhering to the following:
Mary Seacole Unit
Visiting times are from 9am - 8pm daily.
We ask visitors to avoid protected meal times between 12.30pm-1.30pm and 5.30pm-6.30pm.
Molesey Hospital
Visiting times are from 9am - 8pm daily.
We ask visitors to avoid protected meal times between 12pm-1.30pm and 5pm-6pm
Ranmore Ward at Dorking Community Hospital
Visiting times are 1pm - 8pm daily.
We ask visitors to avoid protected meal times between 5pm - 6pm.
During your visit
If you come to visit a friend or relative there are a few things to be aware of:
- The medical care of patients comes first so please be aware that some restrictions apply to visiting hours
- We are happy for children to visit the hospital, but in some areas this may not be possible, please check in advance by calling the ward.
- Please do not sit on the beds; sometimes it seems a natural thing to do, especially if the patient is sitting, but it can be an infection risk in a hospital.
Do not visit if you have any symptoms of Covid-19 or any other infections (such as a temperature or diarrhoea / vomiting).