Parkinson's Nurse Specialist Service
The Parkinson’s nurse specialists are experienced nurses who specialise in the care of people affected by Parkinson’s.
They have specialist knowledge of the treatment and management of the condition's symptoms, as well as a good understanding of other services available in the local area, including contacts with social services and the voluntary sector. The nurses have access to members of the multidisciplinary neuro team including consultant neurologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dietitians, speech and language therapists, continence advisors and psychologists.
The Parkinson’s specialists aim to provide continuity of care by offering assessment, information and management of medication throughout the time and course of the condition.
The team aims to:
- Offer assessment and information to people affected by Parkinson’s including carers and their family
- Be a continuing point of contact by offering a telephone/email help and advice line, clinic appointments at various settings
- Be a reliable source of information for other clinicians within Surrey Downs Health and Care
- Once referred, the Parkinson’s specialist will send out a registration form to be completed and returned. On return of this an appointment will be arranged.
With your appointment letter you will be sent a questionnaire along with a reminder to bring your medication.
Your initial appointment will be between 30 minutes to an hour, to allow for full assessment. You are welcome to bring a family member or friend to support you. Remember: this is your appointment to meet your needs.
Together with the nurse, you will make an individualised management plan to meet your needs.