Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

What is PALS?

Our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is available to provide patients, families and carers with confidential, on-the-spot help and advice. PALS can be a port of call for support and also provide important information for patients about our services.

PALS aim to:

  • Resolve problems quickly on your behalf;
  • Listen to your concerns, suggestions and queries;
  • Act on your comments to improve the patient experience in our hospitals;
  • Advise and support patients, their families and carers; and
  • Supply information about services our hospitals provide.

How do I raise a concern?

Most people are happy with the care they receive, but we realise that there may be times when we do not get things right. When this happens, we need to know.

Most concerns can usually be sorted out straight away by the staff caring for you or your relative or friend. Tell them what is worrying you and they will do their best to help you. Ask to speak to the professional in charge of your care (or the care of your relative or friend), or a senior member of staff as they will want to help.

If you want to talk to someone not directly involved in your care or the care of your relative or friend, you can speak to someone in our PALS Team. 

You can ask a member of staff to contact PALS for you. You can phone, email or visit our PALS Team at Epsom Hospital (see the contact details below). PALS is open between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday, except bank holidays.

How to contact PALS

PALS is open between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday, except bank holidays.

Epsom Hospital 

PALS is located on the ground floor of block A (Headley Wing entrance).

Phone: 020 8296 2508
Textphone (via Text Relay): 08001 020 8296 2508
Text message (deaf and hard of hearing only): 07975 232021

A member of the PALS Team may not always be available to answer your call, as they are often called onto the wards or may be meeting with patients and their families. If you leave a message on the answer phone, a member of the team will return your call within two working days (Monday to Friday, 10am - 4pm). 

PALS is open between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday, except bank holidays.

What should I do if I am still not happy? (Complaints)

PALS are able to advise you about your options when raising a concern, including making a complaint.

If after contacting PALS you are still unhappy and want to make a complaint, please visit our Complaints for information about what to do and the complaints process. You can also find further information about making a complaint in our  feedback and raising concerns leaflet [pdf] 547KB