Adult Neuro Speech and Language Therapy

The Adult Neuro Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) service is commissioned to provide specialist assessment and treatment to adults with acquired neurological disorders affecting communication and/or swallowing. These conditions include (but are not limited to): Parkinson’s disease, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Motor Neurone Disease, Multiple Systems Atrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, brain injury, Huntington’s disease and dementia.

Who will I see?

Referrals are triaged by a Speech and Language Therapist and placed on a waiting list. You will receive a letter confirming receipt of your referral and will be contacted as soon as an appointment can be offered. Following an individual assessment, follow-up appointments are offered either as one-to-one or group sessions.

Accessing the service

The service accepts referrals from a range of sources including GPs, consultants, care homes, other acute and community speech therapy teams and self-referrals. A detailed description of the communication and/or swallowing problem is required along with all medical history information. The service encourages completion of an Adult Speech and Language Therapy referral form to ensure all required information reaches the service and the referral can be processed without delay.

The service is not commissioned to accept referrals for individuals under the age of 18 or adults with certain difficulties, including: learning disabilities, difficulty with self-feeding, problems with dentition, refusal to eat and drink/reduced intake (in the absence of a swallowing problem).  Please contact the Adult SLT team or your GP if you require information about alternative services.